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22ND JULY 2020


The regular rises in gas and electricity prices seen in recent years have made energy-efficient home improvements more attractive than ever. There are many changes you could make to your property to help cut bills, but few are as effective as installing A-rated windows.

Government statistics show that the average annual combined domestic electricity and gas bill reached £1,279 in 2012. The figure represents a rise of £107 (9%) from the previous year and just under £400 (45%) since 2007.

There was more bad news in the first quarter of 2013, when the Big 6 energy suppliers all implemented further price rises. Switching providers can help to reduce bills in some circumstances, but to really keep costs under control, you need to look at ways to cut your energy usage.

Changing your habits is a good place to start, but the biggest savings come from measures that reduce the amount of heat that escapes from your home. Old windows and frames are particularly bad for letting heat out and cold air in, so replacing them with the latest technology is the obvious place to start when trying to make your home more energy efficient.

The Energy Saving Trust estimates that replacing single glazed windows with B-rated double glazing will reduce heating bills by around £170 a year in an average family home. However, there are larger savings to be made by choosing A-rated windows.

The British Fenestration Rating Council (BFRC) tests window frames and glass to check how good they are at containing and conserving heat in a property, keeping out the wind, resisting condensation and improving sound insulation. Each product is then given a rating on an A-G scale, with A the most energy efficient.

Lockwood Windows manufactures A-rated Kömmerling UPVC window systems, which are 5-chambered for better thermal performance and come with steel reinforced profiles for improved security. We supply the frames with low emissivity (Low-E) Pilkington K Glass or Pilkington energiKare glass to further improve energy efficiency.

Installing new windows to help cut energy bills does not involve compromising on style, as we can make frames to fit any space and in more than 40 different finishes, so they will match both your interior and exterior decor.

For more information on our range of energy-efficient windows click here.

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